Friday the 13th

switching places with you

could be the best thing i'd ever do

i could change your thoughts in your mind

and i could make your heart kind

i could make you see all that you have lost

you would want me back, at no cost

i could make you look into my eyes

and i would know you are telling me no lies

too bad that you love me more

and it's really you that should be speaking

because it's your heart i tore

and my heart-felt words that are leaking

too bad that all my love for you

completely fell through

and that reality hit harder than i expected

and my only hope is redirected

still loving, still caring

all hope bearing

i hope for you a better one

than i, because i'm done

done with hurting, done with crying

i know i've hurt with my heart dying

you will love me, uncondtionally

and for your sake, i'm letting you be

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i've hurt my love so much and i want to stop, because we are equally hurting....

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