The story of the fortune teller



I thought me being free was waking up choosing what I do: where I go: who I talk to: having enough money in the bank. Then one day I woke up and there was no where to go: I realized dreams were made moments before they appeared in my head informed by desires, wants, needs: they were catered to me. Famous people got in touch with me through dreams, through my subconscious: dead and alive and in between: before I worked hard to recognized by famous people, well known people, celebrities for the work I did.


What is free, what is to be free? For me it means I talk to the dead when I want to as that is my vocation now: fortune tellers are not credible is dead: because I am the one that perpetuated that: Did you think that listening to an audio you would not here me if I wanted to? If I wanted to get in touch I would: Why am I celebrity, famous people, well known people obsessed? I crave power now.


What is sadness but missing my source today or searching for myself to take good care of myself so I arrive in another lifetime in good shape. Have I permission now to talk to the dead? Are you ok with it? Or are you going to desecrate the channelers, pyschics, fortuntellers, crystal gazers etc.? To be free for me now is to choose these vocations without fear.


What is fear or hurt but a mental reaching from the otherside of hurting me because I choose to help others with their destiny. I didn't know that people, famous people communiated with certain people like me through subconscious to be discreet: I didn't know some famous people were chosen.  


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