8 Minutes

Some days I wake up colder than others,
and the snooze button screams for a reprieve
as the volume slowly grows
-louder and louder,

Until, in blind fury, I swing toward the foot of my bed-
Then peace.
8 minutes.
I don't know how to change it;
Lost the manual.  
5 minutes unplugged?  
Time Lost,
That sticks.

   :   04/01/05

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The clock broke recently... (Well, the cord would need to be re-spliced, and I'll probably do so once I can find the right tools. *L*)


Note from 2013-- I managed to figure out how to fix it.  Now my snooze is set at 15 minutes to make up for all those years only getting 8.  Wink

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