No one is innocent in this game.

Even the curious eyes of children plot and scheme.

Fully grown,

They take control.

The world in their hands.

The decision of new beginning and an abrupt stop are waiting.

All eyes on one.

Anxiously awaiting the call.

No one can choose for them selves.

One man stands alone.

With half the globe being controlled by his word.

The clouds draw closed like blinds on a window.

The sky’s shut down and rejects life.

Trees bend with the winds as if taking cover from what is to come.

Water becomes still,

Becoming a mirror to all,

Hoping we might catch sight of ourselves.

Not wanting to be touched by the hands of the fallen,

The hills start to descend into the earth making a flat plain.

Knowing that peace is an illusion in the hearts of leaders,

And dreams of those who wish to go on.

Each side begins to stomp towards horror.

Sticks strike,

But crumble to the ground.

Stones are launched,

But bounce back.

Pure hate slashes through the souls of men.

Revenge fuels the other side.

More and more flop down for their final moment of peace.

The ground cracks as if having enough.

Giving up, is the answer those have found.

The guilty fall into the earth from all sides.

The innocent are chosen to stand.

Darkness falls upon the ground.

All is still.

As if catching a breath.

The clouds part,

Opening a gate.

Those left, look to the heavens.

The night sky’s are seen.

Balls of stone rush the atmosphere.

Melting and taking form,

They become the fingertips of the judge.

Earth has been sentenced.

The standing lay down upon the battered ground,

Never to walk again.

Eyes lifting towards another place.

Dust and dirt rise.

As if holding in history,

And keeping this secret from the future.

Earth becomes a large graveyard,

That will never have a flower laid upon it, again.

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