Down,Memory Lane

Down the memory lane I glide,
Into some distant past I glide.
And to mind comes some lyrics,
As Obisitala,an uncle from an extended
Who then was a leper and heavy drunk,
A drunk,of,is it masese or illicit distillate?
...No,yes it must be both...
He appeared joyful,inebriated,
Yet very quiet and unhappy in sobriety!

He could be heard echoing through
     the still darkness of black nights,
Coming from Kasiya village,
Up,yonder,across Chamchenga river,
Getting back home,to Chikalusa village,
At a time that hyenas were still a menace
     to livestock in the area,
The kind of hyenas we heard were tamed,
Tamed but not in public view,
But tamed and known by night flyers;
Which the crafty owners sent out,
To snatch pigs and goats and cows.
Unafraid,we would hear Obisitala
     belowing out,
Belowing out from over,across
     Chamchenga river,
Chamchenga,the tributary of Nsadzu river
     on the western side of Chikalusa.
It is all in the still of the black darkness of
The banana moon has been celebrated
     and gone down,
The vitsudzo and maybe kalumbu
     masquerades for boys and girls ended,
Few children,if any outside by the fires
Listening,probably to folk tales and riddles
     from the elderly,
And hyenas "crying",from Chiwongo area,
     a mountain easterly to Chikalusa...
And not only on a solitary night of this
But on several others,we would hear,
The din increasing,as Obisitala Chikwekwe 
     home approached from up yonder,
Belowing out all along:

Mm'e'si,yemwe,Mm'e'si yemwe,
Masiku yachinja,Mm'e'si yemwe,
Napezako mwai,Mm'e'si yemwe...

Simply put,swearing oath by Malessi
     his sister,
That days do change,
He has happened on some luck...

What is happening around me,
Brought to mind this olden day,
Illicit brew drunk's song
That seems to impact on me somehow,
For,surely,days do change,
And so do the things that we get faced up
I pray,the man left,knowing the Man
     on the Cross,where He paid it all for us.


[Obisitala,is a vernacular corruption of Obistar,among typical Chewa people, unlike the more linguistically evolved ones]

Night flyers is an acronym for witches and wizards.This is not superstition as suggested by people.It is as real as the white man's money ritual,which in this case involves plotting to kill someone for insurance claims,though in Africa,it takes on killing someone for the sake of bringing in money by satanic and magical means,using spirits,which in some circles are masqueraded as energies instead of calling them by their actual name of Demons.Unfortunately,all those who practice such end up paying with their own lives,in the end.And though you may like to believe it or not,out of these bodies,called earth suit,we then realise that actually,death is simply getting out of the body,leaving it lifeless,while we who occupied that body go on to the life in the spirit realm,with totally a different body, all the senses active,though there happens to be a catch here.There are two destinies in existence,in this spirit realm. There is the side of the true owner of the universe who designated the man on the cross,to pay for sins not His own,so that whosoever recognizes Him,may leave his body and be reunited with the true owner of the universe perpetually,while them that fail to recognize the naked stripped man on the cross,will have to be woefully  considered with the imposter and thief of human souls who preys on humanity using the bad cravings of the body of flesh itself,such us drunkenness,illicit sex,drugs,  stealing,witchcraft,killings(abortions included),hatred and everything else that man's heart feels bad about after they (ie he/she)do them,for man's heart is the only candle that God has,by which to guide mankind by,which is a conscience,had by all,namely believer in God,and atheist equally.Yes,I said atheist,'cause God has not left out anyone though some people will say that if you don't believe in God,then there is totally no God for you,even when you die,but that is all part of the machination of the so called dark energies that operate in varied ways,to just keep some,in darkness  about the realities of the owner of life,where the life comes from,where it is headed to and what He expects from them as His creatures.
The earth is actually the harvest field for all those that are to enter the spirit world,and it is the field where from the decision is to be made,if you recognize the man on that cross,that He was paying for man's sins,so as to reconcile the man to the rightful owner after he was kidnapped by the thieving imposter,who feels he should not face the real death alone;for there is a death to which he is already sentenced,the lake of fire,which will also kill the death that subjects man to fear,which reveals to us,that Death to which humans succumb is actually a 'living' thing,and it has a death assigned to it in the end,and

Sorry,what is going on here?I did not realise that I had gone over board,in my definition of Flyers,as understood in some circles of native Africa...


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