Surprise, Surprise.

Poetry by Bern.

Surprise, Surprise.



The anti gravity pads slowly lowered the space ship to the ground. As far as I could make out this new planet was uninhabited, Just to be on the safe side I took my laser pistol and a few of the modern hand grenades. Lowering the side panel I stepped out onto the ground. I tapped into one of the many safety devices my personal code. Sure that no one could get into the ship I wandered in a northerly direction.


I had gone about a mile from the ship when this feeing of being followed caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. To say I was scared even with my weapons this is a strange planet and all of my instruments on board the ship told me that this was a planet with no animal or human life this feeling is intense. I found myself turning to look back to see whether I was being followed.


A stone whizzed past my head causing me to drop down on to the ground. Then I saw them these were apes or at least they appeared to be copies of the apes on Earth. Taking one of the hand grenades from my bag I tossed it as far as I could. The explosion was too much for the apes those that had not been killed or injured turned and ran back the way I had come. I returned to the ship as fast as I could. I had to smile as I saw that some of the apes were hitting the normenright steel with stones trying to get in to the ship. This steel called normenright had been invented some thirty odd years ago and not even two cars hitting each other at very high speeds could not even cause a scratch on this new steel. Another hand grenade and the apes ran off.


Tipping in my code I entered the ship switched on the anti gravity pads. The ship slowly rose fifty feet off the ground. Slowly but surely the apes reappeared and soon a large fire was lit and dancing with costumes made from the leaves of some local tree the apes made a statue of me. It was not long as other apes brought all kinds of strange fruits. I lowered a large tin canister down to the ground. The apes had some intelligence for soon the canister was filled with the fruits. Two days later they appeared again this time with some very young females.  Then a large stone was placed nearly under my ship and one of the young females was led to the stone. One of the apes came next all of the other apes knelt on the ground. The ape that I took to be the priest of this colony of apes approached the young female with a huge knife. This I thought to myself was an offering to me a God that could raise this huge ship and let it float high above the ground.


Touching a button a small opening in the wall of the ship and I fired my laser as a warning to this priest. He jumped back and I fired this time at his knife. To my satisfaction the knife melted and the priest ran off nursing his badly burnt hand. This was a signal for all of the apes to disappear. I flew a few more time around the planet. I used the cameras to film all that went on below my ship. Two cameras filmed the instruments that were supposed to tell me if the planet was inhabited or not.


I reached earth a year later and my films of the apes and the planet caused a controversy. To end this my report the planet was placed out of bounds. Just one ship every two years flew around the planet in the darkness of nighttimes. I was not allowed to return as the Authorities that be thought that I might be tempted to play God and be worshipped by the apes. Bern.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not to be taken too seriously Bern

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