A Magic Journey.

  A magic Journey.


Welcome aboard, this trip will take you to a magic planet somewhere in the Milky Way. There is no need to take luggage or food and drinks. All will be provided for you. No travel sickness to mar your trip into outer space. No space suits needed and no oxygen masks are necessary. If you want to one may take a Dictaphone or pen and paper in case one wants to write down what one sees. This invitation applies only to you the reader of this latest of Bern’s Fairy Tales. Please do not try to smuggle friends, relatives or any pets you might have at home. The journey is set for eight o’clock tomorrow morning. Please be punctual.


I waited in the clearing by the old oak tree the Fairies were already waiting. They sat in a tight circle with their magic wands pointed to the sky. There was no speaking just a concentrated silence. Four adults walked slowly into the clearing. Are you one of them? A light whistling noise something big was approaching the earth broke the silence. Then we saw the huge bubble there were no wings or engines to be seen just a round melon shaped something slowly settled in the large circle of waiting Fairies. An opening in the wall of the melon shaped thing appeared and a few Fairies walked down a ray of light to the circle of waiting fairies.


Her Majesty appeared in the blue light and whiff of smoke. Welcoming the guests. She asked all four passengers and myself to walk up the ray of light. The other passenger hesitated the ray of light was so strange to them. Only after Her Majesty and I walked up the beam did they follow. Inside the melon shaped space ship for that is what it was were seats and small tables. In the middle of the space ship were five crewmembers. We were asked not to speak to them as our safety depended on their ability to fly the ship. Slowly the space ship rose one heard the light whistling noise as the earth’s atmosphere was slowly pushed aside.


The walls of the space ship became at first milky then one could see out into space. Yes we were now in space. The moon slowly came into view we swept by the moon so close that one could see the craters and the dry landscape not a place to be stranded on, I thought to myself. The four other passengers were quietly speaking into the Dictaphones one man even used a camera and took picture after picture. Her Majesty smiled and told me that the walls of the space ship were made of compressed atoms and unfortunately the man with the camera was in for a big surprise when he went to develop his films we could see into space but only a camera attached to the outside of the ship could take pictures.


We swept past the earths or should I say the Sun’s planets, time seemed to be standing still another Sun came into view with about forty planets in its system. The space ship flew directly to a wonderfully blue planet something similar to our earth when seen from outer space. Slowly the ship sank to the floor of the planet. The walls were now dense one could not see where we were. Then a door opened like it had when the ship came to earth. A ray of light leading to the ground and we were asked to leave the ship.


As we left the ship walking down the ray of light I saw that a group of Fairies were sitting in a circle with their magic wands pointing still to the space ship. Her Majesty spoke, “You will see many animals here on this planet of peace. Do not be alarmed at what you see most of the animals have been sent here to be safe from the peoples of the earth. You may go to wherever your feet take you remember this is a peaceful planet no loud noises all of the animals are tame and one may stoke them. Off you go when it is time to return you will be brought back by magic.”


Her Majesty had promised animals that no longer exist on earth. My first animal was a very large dragon complete with wings then in the sky I saw a flying horse. A group of men with the head and shoulders and arms of a human came into view. They had the bodies of horses. All greeted and went on their way they must be used to visitors I thought. I came to a large lake the water was so pure that I stopped and drank from the cool liquid. I was joined by a group of Mermaids and Mermen. One of the Mermaids swam to where I was drinking and threw a large white pearl, which I deftly caught. “Enjoy your stay she called and the group swam off. The feeling of travelling by magic came over me and I found myself with Her Majesty and the other four guests in the space ship. The whistling noise told me that we were back on our way to earth.


The four guests were speaking quietly but excitedly into their Dictaphones. All had seen the strange creatures that inhabited this wonderful planet of peace. The spoke into their Dictaphones until we softly landed back into the clearing by the old oak tree. Thanking Her Majesty I watched the four guest leaving the clearing and I looked at my watch. Not a minute had gone past; time it seemed had stood still for our Magic Journey. I wrote this while it is still fresh in my mind. I was sorry that not more guests had taken the opportunity to fly with us perhaps the next time. Bern .

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