Fairy Election.

Fairy Election..


I wish that people would dispose of their old newspapers properly and not throw them away here in Fairyland. Fairies can and do read anything they can get their hands on that was printed by humans. One of the local newspapers has given all the facts about how to run the town of Dartford. Down to the last detail. The fairies could not believe that each person male or female over the age of eighteen had a vote and that he or she could vote for whom they thought would be the best to run and govern Dartford. I was asked to explain the Polling Booths and how each vote was registered and then counted until one political party or another had won the election and could be called upon to run the affairs of Dartford for the next five years.


The Fairies caught on to the idea and decided that what was good enough for the humans was good enough for them, the Fairies. A day was selected to hold the election of the new candidates and I was asked to arrange the whole show. My knowledge of politics and the running of an election was null and I said so but the Fairies insisted that I take charge. I was also told that if the Fairy Election did not run smooth then I had better not show my face in Fairyland for a long, long time. With these words of warning in my ears I went to the public library to look in the many books what one does to run an election. Very little I am afraid could be found and I decided to make things up as I went along.


I told the Fairies at a meeting of all of Fairyland that members for the new local government must be decided on. These members must go all around Fairyland and convince the little folk that they were the right ones to govern them. I asked all of the sing birds to follow each of the candidates and let me know what each one was telling the voters. The Fairies took it all in good part and I think were having great fun pretending to be the new councillors. The Trolls were as I expected terrible they went from door to door and threatened each possible voter. If you do not vote for me something terrible will happen to you. The Pixies thought that only the Pixies were or would be capable of running Fairyland. The Leprechauns took it all in good part and went with the fun. I am afraid that many a Troll was chased away by the Leprechauns shillelagh for their rude and threatening behaviour.


Election day finally came round. I had placed canvass walls around certain toadstools they were the voting booths. A Leprechaun stood at each booth armed with shillelagh each of the little folk had been told that voting was in secret and no one should tell who or what party they had voted for. Fairies came and went into the voting booths one after another. I walked around keeping an eye on what was going on. The Trolls were again asking everyone whom they had voted for. The Pixies were telling all that would listen that they had the most votes and would govern Fairyland. The Leprechauns were mostly silent making sure that only one person after the other went into the booth. Each entering the clearing where the election was being held was stamped on his or her hand with indelible ink that could not be washed off but would vanish within a week. This I thought would make sure that no one would try and vote more than once.


At the end of the day the votes were counted and each candidate waited eagerly to see if they would be in the governing body that was to rule Fairyland. The final vote was counted and as I prepared to read the amount of votes that each candidate had received a bright blue flash lit up the clearance and Her Majesty Queen Feeanna appeared. Her Majesty was not annoyed just looked a little sad as she said “ The only one to guide Fairyland through the years to come will be Feeanna Queen of all the Fairies.” With these words the entire little folk burst into applause and cheering. I myself was glad that Her Majesty had appeared and put an end to the matter. I really have no idea of how an election is to be run and I am sure that I made many mistakes. My one plea to all that read this little story of the Fairies Election Please do not throw your old newspapers away on Dartford Heath it only puts weird and wonderful ideas into the fairies heads. Bern

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