The Huge Stone.

The Huge Stone.


In Fairyland there is a huge block of Granit it has been in Fairyland for thousands of years. Experts say that the stone was swept into Fairyland by a glacier during the ice age that covered most of Europe. No one had given the stone much attention it was just a part of Fairyland as were the trees and bushes. One day the stone had been painted black. White coloured circles had been painted over the stone and it looked very childlike as if a few children had been let loose with a can of white paint.


Questions were asked; everyone wanted to know who had painted the Granit and why. It slowly leaked out that the Trolls had painted the stone black for the night sky and the circles were supposed to be stars, stars that had guided the Viking ships that had brought the Trolls to England from Scandinavia. There was no point in talking to the Trolls once they had an idea in their heads they would not let go of it. The stone had been in Fairyland for so long it was decided that the huge stone should be broken into small pieces and these pieces should be placed around the borders of Fairyland. Magic was used and each Fairy took a piece of the broken stone and placed it on the boundaries of Fairyland. Every stone was painted by the Fairies each using magic.


Every fairy had his or her own idea of how the pieces of stone should be painted. One piece of the stone showed a group of daisies, another violets growing. There were buttercups and to my great delight some beautiful cornflowers. No one looking at the coloured stones could tell if they were real flowers or not. The Trolls were too stupid not to see that in early spring cornflowers do not grow. Not one Troll could tell what had happened to the stone. Complaints were made to Her Majesty Queen Feeanna. Her Majesty told the Trolls that she did not know of a stone that was brought to England by the Vikings of so long ago. The Trolls insisted that the Vikings had brought the huge block of Granit to remind them of home. Her Majesty smiled and asked the Trolls how the ships of the Vikings could carry such a weight as the stone they described. Soon all was forgotten about the stone. The Trolls have very short memories and even the Fairies forgot about the pieces of stone surrounding Fairyland. The pieces of stone have long since been covered in dust and the rain helped to wash away the flowers now one must look very hard to find the stone boundary of Fairyland. Bern

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