Wooden Clogs.

Wooden Clogs.


Last week a man came into Fairyland selling wooden clogs. The clogs were excellently made and looked very stylish in their brown colour. My old working boots were rather worn and I decided to buy a pair of clogs for working in the garden. The man asked ten shillings for the clogs, I had no small change and gave him a one-pound note and told him to keep the change. After all a new pair of working boots would cost me five times as much. The clog seller was delighted at my telling him to keep the change and took from his pocket a small bottle of liquid. Putting the small bottle in my hand he winked and said when you are down in the dumps rub a little of this liquid into the clogs, you will be in for a surprise.


The clog seller walked off and I went home with my new clogs and the bottle of liquid. In the kitchen I opened the small bottle and a strong smell of lavender filled the kitchen. I was delighted I love the smell of lavender and was very pleased with my new purchase. Putting the small bottle on to the Welsh Dresser I forgot all about it. The clogs were comfortable to wear and I had no trouble digging my back garden ready for the winter. The clogs were easy to clean a watering can poured over them and they looked as new as when I bought them.


Spring came around after a hard winter it was time for me to start planting and sewing seeds for the vegetables and salads. I use a long plank of wood to make the different beds for the seed and plants. The plank is straight and leaves a small path for me to walk between the beds. This makes watering and weeding much easier. The clogs were ideal for working in the garden. Satisfied with my work I went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Taking a mug down from the Welsh Dresser for my coffee I noticed the small bottle that the clog seller had given me. I decided to rub a little of the sweet lavender smelling liquid into my clogs as the man had told me to. I was not down in the dumps just nosey. Taking my clogs I rubbed a little of the liquid onto the inside of the clogs.


Slipping my feet into the clogs nothing happened the smell of lavender filled the kitchen again as it had the first time I opened the bottle. Finishing my mug of sweet coffee I went out into the garden. What happened next I can only guess. I jumped out of the clogs. As soon as my feet were free of the clogs they started to what I can only say is dancing. The dancing was fascinating to watch soon I realised that the clogs were not really dancing they moved up and down the beds of seeds and plants leaving a footprint that looked wonderful. In each footprint there appeared a small flower soon my garden was criss crossed with wild flowers. My garden had never looked so good as it did now. If you want a nice garden like I have keep an eye open for a small man that sells clogs. Bern. 

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