It's Raining It's Pouring.


Its Raining, Its Pouring.

The rain started on Monday morning and now on Friday it is still raining. The Fairies are sitting under toadstools others are using mushrooms as umbrellas. All are singing or humming. ‘Its raining its pouring. The 0ld man is snoring he went to bed with a hat on his head and he won’t get up in the morning. I must admit I joined in and sang this little ditty a memory from my childhood. I could feel with the Fairies it is difficult to work if one must not get one’s wings wet and lets face it mushrooms are hardly as good as umbrellas. I suggested that they all go back to their cottages and leave their magic wands to work alone in the wetness it would not matter if the magic wands got wet and what is more the only human on this wet week was myself. No one would come on the idea to steal the magic wands.

The Fairies all thought that this was a good idea but to leave their precious wands on their own would perhaps not be such a good idea. One spoke out and said let the Fairy with the oldest wand be in charge of all the magic wands in this way if danger threatens all of the wands could be magicked away to a safe place. All were agreed and each Fairy whispered to its magic wand instructions and the wands were quietly working away. Soon not a fairy was to be seen and to anyone watching it would seem that for each drop of rain that fell a new flower grew.

The Fairies snug and warm in their dry cottages forgot about the magic wands on the Sunday the sun came out and the Fairies were soon out in force looking for their magic wands. The only clue as to where the magic wands would be was the patches of wild flowers many of which were flowers that only grew in mountainous regions and some one would only find in hot places like South Africa why some of the orchids that the magic wands had placed in the trees were indeed most beautiful.

It took the Fairies over a week to find their magic wands and all over the County of Kent in Southern England there were reports of strange exotic flowers. Without the Fairies to control the magic wands things had gone drastically wrong. Her Majesty herself had to put things right. The Fairies were told never to leave a magic wand unattended. It was a good thing that the wands had only been used for producing many coloured flowers. If birds and wild animals had been produced by the magic wands one could not imagine what strange animals would be roaming the lovely fields of Kent. It was agreed that in future no magic wand was to be left to work on its own. Now that the sun is shining again there is much work for the Fairies to do and soon the strange plants were forgotten about. Bern

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