Towards The End?

Bern's Prose.

Towards The End?


I feel that time is running out. What makes me think that time is running out. I have difficulty with my old body. Aches and pains come on at irregular intervals. I have no control over these aches and pains. My hair went grey many years ago most of my hair has gotten lost on my way through life.


My face is now showing wrinkles; wrinkles that no ointments can smooth away. It is not the wrinkles that bother me and I have learned to ignore the staring eyes that want to know why I am still kicking it in this beautiful old world we live in. I will live to be a hundred years old at the age of one hundred one is allowed to complain and sometimes be downright rude. Who is going to take notice of what an old man says?


I must admit will the aches and pains get less the older I get, It is always at the back of my mind or will the body let up and one feels no pain; The nerves are running out at least I hope so. I have just one plea do not let me lay in a bed all day long. It is bad enough at night times. I feel that I could not stay quiet lying in a bed all day. Get me up sit me in a chair so that what blood is still circulating will go back into my body and not keeping my brains occupied. My brain has worked overtime in my fairly long life I think that it is time for it to relax and stop me writing such rubbish that comes into my thoughts that I feel compelled to write.


Take this computer away from me it is writing many little secrets that are best left in the dark. Whoever writes my biography please be kind to the memory of an old man. Another thought has struck me who on this earth would want to write my biography. I strongly suspect that there will be no takers for this menial work that would I am sure be a waste of the paper that it will be written on. I am not even disappointed that no one will write my life’s story.


I begin to wonder if all my aches and pains are the result of my misspent life. Perhaps not after all many old people have the same aches and pains. The final curtain that falls at the end of my life’s performance will be the finish to all of my aches and pains. I at least hope that this will be the case I would hate to have to wake in a new life with the burdens that I have accumulated in this life.


Please do not take this writing seriously it is just a vent to let off so much steam that over the years have rested on my now weary shoulders. In fact now I am finished with this scribble I am laughing, did this write catch your eye have you read it through to this untimely end. I sympathise with you if you did and do read the next epistle that comes from my computer. At least it is very different to what most writers write.



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