Dragon's Tooth.


Dragon’s Tooth.


A terrible illness swept all over the world. It affected both the birds and all of the animals everywhere. The birds and animals lost the power to speak. It was not noticed at first and then it became obvious that something was terribly wrong in the animal kingdom. The Fairies noticed this loss of speech the first as they used Robins to take messages for them. The poor Robins were not able to deliver what the fairies had told them. Then it was noticed that all the farm animals could not make a sound.




This serious matter was brought before Her Majesty Queen Feeana. A council of all the wise fairies was called even the witches were asked for help. Witches are not all nasty evil people most of them were famous for their knowledge of healing with grasses, roots and herbs from the woods. The best brains in both the human world and the fairy world tried to fathom out a cure for the poor animals and birds.




The old parchments in the fairy university were studied to find a way out of this predicament. One Professor found a very old parchment with a remedy. This parchment was so old that only a handful of people could read the strange language used by the old fairies that first came to this world from a planet far out in space.




The ingredients for this cure were fairly simple and could be found in most woods or in the countryside. Just one thing was not available and that was the powder from a young Dragon’s tooth. There were no Dragon’s teeth to be found anywhere in the world. Even in ancient China where Dragons unto this very day are honoured, there were no teeth to be found.




The Dragons in our part of fairyland were asked if they would give one of their teeth. Now everyone knows Dragons do not part with their teeth very easily. Just one Dragon was willing to give one of his teeth. He told the fairies they could have just one tooth but it must not hurt him when it was pulled from his jaw. This was no problem for the fairies they had no end of herbs to take away pain. The one big problem was who would or could pull the tooth from a healthy young Dragon.




A lot of thought was given to the matter. It was just a question of who would have the strength to pull the tooth. Then a young fairy that had come to our part of Fairyland on a visit from Canada; came up with the suggestion that a Grizzly Bear from the Canadian Rockies would have the strength. The Fairy Queen Feeana approved this and it was arranged that a deputation of fairies should go to Canada to find one of these Grizzly Bears.




A very big Grizzly Bear was found and asked if he would pull the tooth from the Dragon’s jaw. The fairies promised him plenty of honey if he would come with them. Finally the Grizzly Bear agreed and the fairies spirited him back to our part of Fairyland. The tooth was soon pulled by the bear and was carefully taken by the wise old fairies to grind down in powder so that a cure could be made for the animals and birds.




Enough of the cure was made and the birds were sent flying all over the world with packets of this fine powder to sprinkle all over the woods and countryside. Soon all of the animals and birds were able to speak again and peace settled once again in the world.




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