Balloon Story.

Balloon Story.

Way back last summer the fairies found a small parcel of balloons. The balloons were assorted into different sizes and colours. Never having seen balloons before they waited until I went into the woods of Fairyland on Dartford Heath and excitedly showed me the packet that they had found. I spent a few minutes blowing some of the balloons up and tied some string on to them so that the fairies could carry them. Johnfee was a little smarter than the other fairies and blew up a dozen or more of the balloons and soon he was floating above the ground. On seeing this the other fairies wanted to have more balloons so that they too could float in the air.


All went well until Johnfee added another balloon to the ones he already had tied together with string. Up into the air went Johnfee and screamed with delight. At that moment a gust of wind caught his balloons and away he went. I called out to him to let the balloons go and fly back down to earth. Johnfee either did not hear my calling or he did not want to and away he went. I followed him with my eyes until he was out of sight. I did not see Johnfee for two whole weeks then he came back home and told me this little story.


The wind carried him way up high and he was afraid to let go of the strings holding the balloons together. He passed over the River Thames on into Essex. Here the balloons were attacked by a bunch of crows. The crows attacked one after the other and as each balloon was punctured by the crow’s beaks the balloons with Johnfee got lower and lower. On the last attack Johnfee let go of the last string and flew down to one of the trees that stretched out below him. In the tree he watched the crows attack the last balloon then they flew off making some very weird sounds as only crows can make. Johnfee flew down to the ground and started to look for any fairies that might live in this part of Essex.


Johnfee was out of luck the local fairies were all at Southend at the seaside they would not be back for another week. Johnfee watched a couple of birds building a nest and decided he would help them so that he too could build himself a nest high in one of the trees. The Wrens were not surprised at Johnfee’s helping them build a nest it seemed only natural for him to help. Soon the two Wrens had a comfortable nest finished and as Johnfee started to build his nest the two wrens helped him. Johnfee had only to bring them enough twigs and hay and in no time a nest big enough for Johnfee was ready. Johnfee thanked the two wrens who then flew off to their own nest.


Food was no real problem the woods were full of brambles with large ripe blackberries. Strawberries were to be had one just had to look a little harder some bees invited Johnfee to help himself to some of their honey it is a good honey year and Johnfee had no hesitation to eat of that wonderful sweet honey that the bees so generously gave him. Water was plentiful as there was a stream running through that part of the woods. Johnfee got to know all of the local animals; the deer came to him proudly showing their young. Badgers grunted friendly greetings, the stoats and weasels always perked up their heads and gave off low whistles, all in all, Johnfee had a good time in this part of Fairyland.


The birds warned Johnfee whenever there were humans in the woods or if any other dangers threatened. Back Home I talked to Her Majesty about Johnfee’s leaving us by means of the balloons. Her Majesty took out her magic mirror and saw that Johnfee was all right and decided to leave him where he was until the Essex fairies came back from their holiday. The Essex fairies came home and were quite surprised to see Johnfee but when they saw his nest high in the trees and Johnfee told them about the bees giving him some of their honey they were all in agreement that Johnfee was quite a hero. The Essex fairies held a going away party and dance in honour of Johnfee and right on the stroke of midnight Johnfee was back home in his own little bed. The Essex fairies had used magic to send him safely back to his own people. Johnfee was all the talk of our part of Fairyland for about a week then all of the fuss died down and things went on as they usually did.

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