Saturday rave.

Bern's Prose.

Saturday Rave.


Saturday again is it just a repeat of all the other Saturdays? Get up from out of the bed, wash, shave, have breakfast get ready to go with the wife shopping.


I could trace a pattern no Saturday is any different from another. The same old procedure each Saturday after Saturday.


How I wish that something out of the ordinary would happen so that I could at least lift this Saturday and make it a special day.


Very little traffic on the road, hardly anyone that we know in the Coffee Shop, Finish our coffee and leave. In the car park some inconsiderate idiot has blocked our car that stands in the park space reserved for invalids.


The blocker of our car drove off with me giving him a dirty look. It is not really insulting the man and he probably laughed at our not being able to drive out of the car park. I made a note in my brain box. Some mothers do have idiot kids; the trouble is that they live to be old.


Finally drive off to the supermarket, not many people about for a Saturday, then remember the date it is another two days before wages and pensions etcetera are paid. Next Saturday I would make a bet that the supermarket is full of people. Saturdays the supermarket sells bottle beer cheaper than on other days.

Driving home from the Supermarket we see that a Police Woman on a motor bicycle has stopped a motorist slow down a little to see if there has been an accident. No the driver was probably stopped for speeding. No pity to waste on Drivers that speed breaking a dozen or more laws.


Arrive home two shopping bags filled with groceries to be carried into the flat. It is probably my imagination but the two bags of shopping seem to get heavier and heavier with each step that I make.


Finally find the keys to the front door and the flat lug the shopping up a small flight of steps. Manage to get the key into the lock and unlock the door. While the Wife is changing into something more comfortable take the articles of shopping and put them away either in the larder, the refrigerator or the deep freeze unit.


Sit down in my old armchair and wait for the tiredness to leave my protesting limbs. My how I hate these Saturdays when nothing out of the ordinary happens.


A call from the dining room, “Lunch is ready come and eat while it is still warm.” After my lunch I will go to my bed and have an hour or two’s sleep in the land of nod where many strange things happen. I will not ask you to join me my mattress is one of the hard kinds and is not too comfortable for most people.




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