Ugly Face.

Ugly Face.


Watching Television, not because there was a good film being shown but the cameraman had his own ideas of how people or things should be shown. The Camera focused in on what looked like a cabbage, the cabbage slowly turned phase by phase into a head, a human head. I must admit I have never seen such an ugly head before in all of my long life. The head was so ugly, its eyes were not on a level one was higher than the other. The hair from the head looked as if the cameraman had interfered with its natural growth and it had not learned to sprout from his face or the top of its head. This was a face that slowly was turned back by the cameraman into a head that showed the face of a most beautiful baby.


Interesting yes but not the kind of evening’s entertainment that I wanted. A good criminal film one where my brain could try to solve who done it. Not some film where one murder after the other took place with nothing to get ones teeth into and solve the crimes being shown. As I watched the criminal film, pictures of the head that had previously been shown, kept popping into my head. I found myself waiting for that ugly head to show itself. Later as I got myself ready for bed; I started to hate that cameraman thoughts came into my head. I could easily kill the bastard why show pictures so ugly to an evenings audience or then the thought came what if only I had been shown this ugly head film. Yes of course my brain told me I had been purposely chosen to see this ugly head. Next I would be admitted to hospital and Psychiatrists would examine me to see whether I had been turned into a lunatic by seeing the series of a cabbage being turned into the ugliest face that I have ever seen into a most beautiful baby face. Why me what had I ever done to the cameraman I have to my knowledge never ever seen the man, so why me. I am a no one just the ordinary man in the street type. Not over brainy, not over dumb just average. So why me? Undressing and putting on my pyjamas seemed to be taking a long time I looked at the clock on my bedside table it was according to the clock nearly two o’clock in the morning. I had taken over an hour and a half to undress is this one of the things that I now have to contend with? Is this part of the cameraman’s plan to drive me around the bend from ordinary to an idiot with no sense of time.


My bed also was strange my bed was never hard like this bed of hard concrete that I was now laying on. I awoke and looked at my bedside clock. It was twenty past eleven in the morning. Now I am oversleeping was my first thought then that ugly face grinned at me. I nearly fell over. The water from the tap looked a dirty brown as I filled my kettle. I tipped the water out and refilled it at least five times then I made the first cup of tea. My toast as it popped up out of the toaster had the face imprinted on it; I must admit I had to force the toast down my throat swallowing that terrible face was something that I had to learn. This I thought is just the first sign of my oncoming lunacy. Should I now make notes, write it down so that the Psychiatrist would have a detailed write up about my madness brought about by a cameraman that I did not know and had never in my life seen. I could not go to work not today I have missed the morning, No one would believe that I of all people had overslept.


Going to the computer I switched on the computer and the screen and it was as if that bastard of a cameraman had somehow gotten into my screen. His grinning face showed me on my own screen; face after face all had been treated to make them look uglier than anything that I had ever seen before in my life. What should I do if I switch the screen off then I cannot write a report for the psychiatrist? Will I let this cameraman drive me into lunacy? No I told myself to Hell with him. I opened my word program and ignored as good as I could the ugly faces that came more often on to the screen. I had finished half of my report when the front door bell rang.


I forgot to ask who was at the door. Yes I forgot the first rule of safety, I opened the door to my flat and standing there the cameraman grinning all over his face. He greeted and told me that he sender was doing a commentary of the film that had been shown the evening before. I must admit It was more than difficult to keep a civil tongue in my head. The man explained the different techniques that he used to change the heads so that they changed from normal down to ugly and then on to a baby face. He was more than interesting and I found myself making him tea and sandwiches; was this the man that I would have killed willingly have killed and my report to a psychiatrist could I really give my report after having had tea and biscuits with this man. I did not hate him any more. He only did the work that he was paid for, How could I have wanted to kill him perhaps I am going a little mad who knows. I now have another problem will id be a head shrinker or not.  I printed out the report for the Psychiatrist and read it a few times. I could not give this to any one I am telling the world that I am a lunatic. This will not do. I burnt the document and deleted all that I had written on to my computer. The following day I got up a little earlier and was at my work place before time. I had a days work to make up for. I had through my silliness lost a complete days work. I have made up my mind not to watch television unless it is a musical or some love program. At least I will be able to sleep after such programs. I never did get to see a Psychiatrist after all. I told Bern the scribbler about my report that I had written and about the cabbages turning into ugly heads with terribly ugly faces and turning into a baby face. I also gave Bern the scribbler permission to write this for you all as long as he does not tell you my name.

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