The Night Knives.

Bern's Prose.

The Night Knives.


The High Street was at this time in the evening empty of people. The shops were all shut. The occasional car drove along the High Street, one had the impression that the town was deserted. A lone Policeman on his beat strolled along the High Street he sometimes checked a shop door or looked in the show rooms presenting the various goods on sale. I knew the Policeman and he was definitely not interested in the shops window’s goods he used the glass of the window to see what was going on, on the other side of the road.


It was a quiet evening apart from the odd car the High Street was deserted. Suddenly a knife struck one of the windows. Then another and another no one was to be seen the whole thing was a mystery, who would throw knives at shop windows in the High Street? Lights came on as if a signal had been sent from a secret source. Soon every shop in the High Street was brightly lit. Knives were again thrown this time it was the other side of the High Street. It was as if someone was intent on doing as much damage as possible.


Every window on both sides of the High Street was broken. No one was to be seen who was the mysterious knife thrower and where did he get so many knives? Phones in the Police station were ringing non-stop and soon a Police car was to be seen stationed at both ends of the High Street. From the Police cars Policemen walked down the High Street looking for whomever it was that had thrown the knives. There was no one to be seen the Police cars drove off and a Policeman patrolled on each side of the High Street. Soon the lights were switched off and the High Street was dark again. The darkness was only broken when one of the Policemen flashed a torch into an opening. Daylight came and one could now see the damage done on both sides of the High Street. The knives that had been thrown to break the glass in the shop windows were collected and examined by the Police Laboratory. The knives were from abroad the weight of the blades and the handles were such that the knife when hitting the target hit with the handle first, it was the weight of the handles that caused the windows to break. The blades were not of importance for breaking sheet glass used for the shop windows.


The Police gave the newspapers and the television news that all manufactures of glass are being questioned and arrests were expected very soon. The days went bye then the weeks. The shop windows had been replaced by one of the Firms that manufactured such glass. Now two Police Officers patrolled the High Street ever night. No Knife thrower was ever brought to justice and the whole thing was forgotten as other event took place in the town.

Silly jokes went around someone it seemed had, had a smashing time with the emphasis on smashing. Years have gone by and no window has been broken since. It remains a mystery for all, The General Public and the Police. I Bern your scribbler came across this story and decided to tell you all about it. I hope that no one in your town decides to have a smashing time and please do not take this story as something that you yourself could do.






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