The Little Man.

Bern's Prose.

The Little Man.


The leaves were falling from the trees, a sure sign that winter will soon be upon us. I looked at the man that spoke so surely that winter will soon be upon us. Small of build looked as if a good meal would do him the world of good. What makes you so sure that winter will soon be upon us, I heard myself using his own words? Now why did I have to speak I do not know the man. I have never seen him before and for all that I know he might even be a meteorologist. He edged closer to me and winked as if we shared a secret. We are in the know trees do not loose leaves like this there must be something wrong with either the weather or the trees are ill.


I now had this small man on my heels, he followed me and was always somewhere near when I left the house. The trees continued to loose their leaves and this little man was not slow to let me know that something must be wrong. It is either a sign of an early winter or the trees are ill. I could not get away from him. I decided to tell him to leave me in peace with his winter and his trees, after all I am only human and I need my peace. I have many things to think about without continually being told that winter will be early this year and that the trees are ill. How does he know that the trees are ill trees always loose their leaves around about this time of the year it is something that I consider natural. I do not want to be told about it day after day especially by this little man that has attached himself like a leech to my person.



My opportunity came a few days later I was in my local pub having a drink with an old pal. In came this little man, He opened his mouth, Not a word did he say he saw the man that I was having a drink with turned pale and ran out of the Pub. Turning to my mate I said, “That is a strange thing that little fellow, he saw you and turned and nearly ran out of the pub.” Oh him he was a nuisance that nearly drove me around the bend by telling me that winter will be early this year because the trees are loosing their leaves. I promised him a punch on the nose if he did not stop driving me crazy with his trees and his early winter. I then told my mate about his attaching himself to me and of his trees and early winter. We both came to the conclusion that the little man had no friends and this was his way of trying to make friends. We both decided that he was harmless and that we would forget him and his winters being early and of his trees loosing their leaves.


Now that I have told you about the little man and his early winters and his trees loosing their leaves, I hope that he does not attach himself to you or you no one it seems is able to avoid him or someone like him. Your scribbler Bern be always on the lookout there is always a small man somewhere just waiting for you, or you.

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