
Bern's Prose.



Outside one of the biggest stores in the town she started to take off her dress. In her underwear she walked into the shop. A man probably the owner came quickly to the woman and told her to at least put her dress back on. The woman smiled and said I came in here to buy some new underwear. Where is the underwear department One of the sales women could hardly stop the smile on her face she came over to the woman and draped a piece of cloth over her shoulders. Come with me I will take you to the department that have the underwear that you want.


Suddenly the woman threw the piece of cloth from her shoulders and took of her brassier and her knickers. Fully exposed to the shop assistants and the other people in the shop she started to sing and dance. Such behaviour had never before been seen in this upper class shop. The owner was seen to be talking on the telephone. The sound of an ambulance was heard and some men in uniform came into the shop. One of the men had brought with him a sheet, which he quickly threw around the still dancing and singing bare woman.


The ambulance men took the woman to a hospital her reasons for going into the shop and taking off her clothes was, so she said that no one would listen to her and worse still no one wanted to see her dance, Her idea was that the publicity from her going into the noblest shop in town and giving so to say a public performance someone would report it to the newspaper and perhaps the television. The Doctors gave her a few mental checks and then sent for the Police. The woman was charged with causing a nuisance and taken to court. The judge gave her a warning and told her to be sensible and not to do such a silly thing again.


The newspapers did not mention the woman and her dancing and singing which was a pity because the woman did the same thing again in the Local Church during a Church service. This time the judge was not so lenient and sentenced the woman to a fine and the threat that if she appeared before him again he would send her to Prison This time the newspapers did mention her and her acts of nudity. The television took no notice of the event.


The woman’s next performance was when Her Majesty the Queen attended the opening of Parliament right in front of Her Majesty she stripped off all of her clothes and danced and sang for Her Majesty. Now she was in all of the newspapers and her performance was shown on all Televisions in the country and even in other countries abroad in fact her performance went all around the world.


After a term in Prison she was to be seen in films and on the television in fact she became World Famous. I do not recommend that you the reader follows in her footsteps the courts might not be so kind and me your scribbler may only write such a story as this just once in his life. Keep smiling from Bern.

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