Tom and His Problems.

Bern's Prose.


Tom and his problems.




Tommy was one of those boys that were always in some scrape or other. He was not a bad boy but not the boy to stop and think about what he was about to do. Impulsive is the right word for Tom, very impulsive. No time to stop and think, one scrape after the other. Soon no child was allowed to play or even walk next to that rascal always in trouble why do his parents not give him a good beating that might stop him from going off the rails.




I got to know Tom at this time. His Dad was as soft as the next and between us he loved his son. No one would beat his boy while he was around. His Mother was even prouder of the child that she herself had given birth to. She personally would take it upon herself to protect her boy. Not that Tom was from house out wicked oh! No just impulsive if only he would slow down a little and stop to think. His teachers had all given up the boy. Tom was a spoilt little brat if only the laws had not been changed Tom would have had more than one beating. One day the school alarm bell went off. All of the children had been drilled into what was to be done when the alarm went off. Class after class lined up in pairs of twos and walked quietly out into the school playground. The children’s names were called out by their teachers all were present just one little girl. Little Sally Simson she was not with her class. Two of the teachers ran back into the building. Tom saw one of the ground floor windows were open and with a short run he jumped and caught the windowsill. Pulling himself up to the windowsill he jumped into the classroom of four B. Going to the cupboard where chalks and the odd instrument was kept that was needed for some of the lessons Tom opened the cupboard and there she was little Sally Simson fast asleep. Not even the Alarm bell had wakened her. Tom was the only one that knew of Sally’s little secret. The teacher would have been very annoyed if she had ever found out that one of her pupils went regularly into the cupboard to have a sleep instead of listening to her lessons. The fire Brigade had reached the school. The whole building had been thoroughly searched and little Sally Simson could not be found. The teachers were asked once again to check that every child was in his or her place. Out camew thew lists with the kids names another roll call and when the name of little Sally Simson was called out in a loud clear voice she called out here Miss. Later it was Sally that told the group of teachers about her going to sleep in the cupboard and of Tom that had come into the class through the window and took her to where her class comrades were standing. It was Tom who had rescued her. From That day on Tom was not so bad after all he had done the right thing at the right time and saved a child’s life what more could one want.


 Tom did not change one little bit he still did things without thinking about the dangers secretly most of his teachers did not like him but who had the courage to reprimand a Hero.




Tom’s Dad told me this little story and I know he will be thrilled that I have placed it here on for the whole world to read about his son Tom and his story written by your scribbler Bern.


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