ALLs Well That Ends Well.

Bern's Prose.


 All is Well that ends Well.




I have now downloaded Windows 10.1- No charges made and I am gradually getting used to the new program. One must have windows 8.1 on ones computer. Then type into ones operating system. Windows 10 download. After that follow the simple instructions. It will take you a while to get used to this new program but I think it is worth the trouble to get this system at no cost to oneself.


Sorry that I have written no stories for a couple of days but it will be back to usual from now on. All is well this end and a few ideas have been slowly ripening in my old brain box. The front lawn is full of spring flowers ranging from the lovely white snow drops, crocus flowers greet us as we open our front door and those gold coloured crocus are to be seen, The next will be daisies and then the dandylions. Many think that dandylions are akin to weed but to my eyes they are flowers that I welcome year after year all tell me that winter is onthe way out and warm lovely warm weather will take some of the pains from my back and shoulders, not forgetting my head. The various bushes in the front garden are showing new buds and fresh young leaves. Who can but love Spring after a cold winter. Rain is a neccesity we need and must have rain to colour the world. Think if no rain were to fall all would be covered in dust. All dust would I am sure cause all to have depressive thoughts whereas a shower of rain and all is looking clean and fresh.I for one hold my head up high when I see those dark threatening clouds chasing each other across the sky.My brain gets a lift for it knows that all will be washed free of dust and dirt. It is as if my brain is due for a good wash with that refreshing rain. Then the sun appears as if to say sorry that I had to hide behind that old storm but the storm too is part of your life and believe me I do not hide too easily. But remember I the sun am on your side and always will be. My lovely wife has given me a call for my lunch. Must not keep her waiting or their will be a lecture on how long it takes to stand at the stove after an hour or more washing and peeling the vegetables. I for one do and will not cause my dear one any aggravation especially today. Sunday for some the beggining of a new week for others the end of the old week.


Untill tomorrow best wishes to you all I have a feeling that tomorrow will be the start of a new science tale, the ideas are building up in my head. Bern


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