Fairy Troubles.

Fairy Troubles.


The noise got louder and louder, I wondered what it was that was making all of the noise. The wise old owl flew to meet me. Slowly she told me that I must stop this nonsense that had taken over Fairyland. Now she had my full attention, what noise I asked? “Come and see for yourself,” I followed the wise old owl as quickly as I could then a stone whistled past my head. I ducked behind a tree and decided to wait until I could really see what was happening. A young Leprechaun with his shilleley ran past the tree that I was sheltering behind. I stuck out my foot and caught him in my strong arms. Now then what is all this noise about and why is your shilleley being used as a weapon? Then it poured out of him the Trolls and the gnomes and all f the others that are dissatisfied with fairyland want to overthrow Her Majesty Queen Feeanna. Now we the Leprechauns and the Fairies are trying to get rid of them but unless we use magic we just cannot shift them and the only weapons we can use are our shilleley’s. Who has stopped you from using magic? The Fairies all use magic all have magical wands. If the Fairies even try to use magic their wands just melt in their hands. We are waiting for the Bogeys we have sent them a request that they join us in this evil fight with the ugly trolls. A sudden peel of trumpets and the young Leprechaun gave a large smile. Ah they are there the Bogeys now we will see which are the better fighters the Bogeys or the Trolls. Another Peel of Trumpets and the most fierce charge of the Bogies. The Trolls saw the oncoming bogies and turned around and ran as fast as their ugly legs could carry them. I was later told that most of the trolls paid the Birds of the air to take them back to their own land of Sweden. They have not been seen in Great Britain since. But knowing the Trolls I am sure that they are busy hatching out new plans to return to Grat Britain and try again to take over fairyland. Thatis if the Heath at Dartford has not been built upon and is now one huge housing estate. Later I saw Her Majesty who was sitting high on a cloud watching the Trolls and the leprechauns actually it was Her Majesty that called in the Bogies to help. Her Majesty knew that nothing could stand p to a Bogie not even the ugly Trolls

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