The Proffesoorship.

The Professorship.


Excitement is running high in Fairyland. One can feel that something is going to happen but no one knows exactly what this will be. It was the owl that told me eventually that for the most original idea to improve the whole of Fairyland her Majesty has offered a place in the Fairy University. A professorship is to be granted and the winner will be in charge of a new ideas department. Some of the ideas that I heard about were good but not good enough to take over a new ideas department. All could take part even the Trolls. It was a Leprechaun that won the best ideas contest. His idea was that all citizens of Fairyland should produce at least one new flower every day. The Trolls and Pixies were in a terrible mood as they heard of this new idea. They knew that they could never produce flowers of any kind let alone a new flower every day.


For the Leprechauns this new flower every day was a challenge and many a shillelagh was put to use making new flowers. Some of the flowers were really out of this world. The leprechauns had this fancy for all green colours and most of the new flowers were green in colour like the four leafed clover or shamrock. This phase of flower making did not last long as who wants flowers that are green from the petal even down to the roots. The bees also did not accept the green flowers and it was difficult for the green flowers to reproduce seed so that new flowers could grow from the seed. The Fairies all had been trained in the art of flower making and colouring and many a new flower was introduced into Fairyland.


The ideas department got off to a good start and many new innovations were introduced into Fairyland. On idea that pleased the birds were that ten percent of all flowers should produce enough seed that could be used by the birds as feeding material in the winter months. Another idea was that once a month all of the citizens of Fairyland should clear away all rubbish that the winds blew into the woods. After all Fairyland was a showpiece for all other Fairies in the world that came on a visit. To get the trolls and pixies engaged in the cleaning process all rubbish collectors would be given a free meal consisting of Fairy Cakes and Ginger Snaps with elderberry wine. The ginger snaps were left in my hands to provide. I now had another occupation using my computer I ordered ginger snaps from different parts of the country. If I had bought them all from the shops in Dartford I am sure that enquiries would be made as to whom and why I bought so many ginger snaps. The last idea to come from the ideas department was that all of the singing birds should not only sing in the dawn chorus but also a song to celebrate the end of each day. This idea was accepted by most of the songbirds and if one listens carefully one may hear the goodnight chorus from the birds.


The last idea to come from the ideas department was that every day one of the inhabitants was to come to me and tell me a story so that I could inform the world about the comings and goings of the Fairies and of their adventures. That is why I can write a new story every day for your information. Bern

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