We Were The First.

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We were the first, Please do not forget that.


This generation just could not let things be. One deadly 

Bomb after another Finally the Atomic bomb yes my friend this generation has much to answer for. New weapons that will fire around corners are you proud to be part of a new killing machine. If all the money spent on bringing peace into the world instead of weapons of war and killing, it would be a much better world to live in.


Why do we all want new weapons, some will say to keep Law and order in out villages and towns. What nonsense is that? Ever since man has been on this world murder, stealing and other crimes have been taking place. Weapons have never been able to solve such problems.


What will be the next weapon of war that will bring death and painful memories to perhaps millions of people that have listened to our so-called leaders? Would you personally follow them to a death such as the Lemmings as they jump to a sure death by following their leaders?



 I say yes, you will follow many of our so-called leaders who will tell you that all that is being done is for our benefit. What a laugh whenever did a politician ever do any thing for the folk. Many of you will read this my drivel and forget what I have written few minutes later. And that is the way it goes. I too went through the phase of feeling that Automatic rifle in my hands. The sense of power that is gave me. One does not t as a soldier think about the terrible wounds and or killing that affect whole families that have received one of those dreaded telegrams saying, Your Husband, your son died doing his duty for King, Queen and or country. What is it to you, you only know them as they walked down the street. Does it really cause you to miss just one beat of your heart, I think not. The few hardships that you have to put up with through the war are a mere inconvenience my answer is stop all manufacturing of weapons of all sorts. All must give up weapons, atomic weapons of which there are far too many dismantle and destroy all evidence of such premature weapons that should never

 have been invented. A few soon forgotten remarks written by your scribbler of nonsense. Bern.


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