St Valentine.

Roses are red, the violet is blue,

A daffodil is yellow.

All the flowers around the world

Give off scent and make us mellow.

Love is born around this time

It makes the heart grow fonder

Romantic thoughts fill up our minds

Proposals we all ponder.

That girl you like she is the one

You have to send that card.

Tell her that she is so special

Give all your kind regards.

Then buy flowers, chocolates jewellery,

Just feel it intertwine,

Rely on all this romantic air

Supplied by  St Valentine.

She will be putty in your hands

How could she utter no,

Even if she is going through

Her monthly menstrual flow.

For sweet romance is in the air

It’s cost is only money,

As long as the results worthwhile


She fucks like the Easter Bunny!

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