amiously walking

amiously walking

thinking of what one day might be

will there always be

that light that flickers through your eyes day by day

the moments of silence

in this morning full of dew

walking brass bridges home

stairing down at what descends

what is left to sparkle beyond

then i remember

feelings swept through the paths of memories left behind

narrow tresses mark my way to where you once stood

where you left everything behind

leaving me here

road blocks i sit watching

thinking apon wondrous thoughts why not one stopped you?

a trickling tear falls in silence alone

pounding against the soft ground

only for the reason of why you arent around

I remember walking stormy night paths circled with trees

now left with dampness and darkness

stormy black embered feelings

gentle a breeze used to sail through

now its only left with sadness and a simple memory of you

why did you go that day

all alone and away

we used to stand here

listening to water swiftly graze over fallen trees

that day why didnt you just listen

and leave your keys

to wonder to long is to be lost

to think to long is to be in doubt

to walk these paths in life is to leave me where you left me alone

on my own,unsure unknown

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