Beggar's Sky

forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those

who trespass against us...

they wail their insecurities

like banshees at the crypt

pointing boney digits

at the one who will fall...

the drown of their banter

who isn't strong enough for battle

and just weak enough to

taste their wrath.

so, they stir their darkness

painting pressed on tears

as if they carve trails

unforgotten onto burned skin...

while he fades, worn weary

beneath the avalanche

of words wrought in haste

snared ready on his path.

and lead us not into temptation,

but, deliver us from evil...

and they loom dreary

looking in the dark places

wherever he may roam

just to make him weak.

digging up skeletons

to rattle old wounds

and drizzle new pain

for the wretched soul.

while he finds solace

in the darkness

of his own iniquities

blessing they who persecute him.

hiding far away from

their horizon

from roots nurtured forgotten

and anger taking toll.

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