
just thoughts

Things happen for a reason I sapose sometimes you wish you never knew but now you do and theres no erasing them they are stuck in your head for the rest of your life, blaming yourself thinking its all your fault, a person making you feel inferor to them becasue you care what they did and what you did didn't effect them one bit and you know you shouldn't feel this way but you want them to hurt cause they hurt you. but they are numb to it, Some one cheated and now they told you, and you were with them after they fucked some one else and you hate them for it, like yea you slept with other people but it was while you guys were broken up but they fucked her after you got back together, and he hid it from you, so now I will never to trust a guy again and I can't have anymore of this pain its just too much to handle. I'm not even sure i believe he ever really loved me like I thought he did but I was mistaken just like he was the biggest worsetest mistake I ever made though I can't take it back atleast I'm not wit him and I can move and grow from it and now I know I can never trust a guy again and I'm done never to fall inlove again, I've giving up...... Hope who reads this learns from it.

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