The First Christmas After


His big brown eyes were glistening

with little-big-boy tears;

he was much too full of pain

for his young and tender years.

It’s Christmas time, he told me,

and my daddy's gone.

You told me Jesus loves me.

Why can't Jesus send him home?

I listened, my heart breaking

and I told him of the love

of yet another "Daddy,"

our Father up above.

I tried to make him understand,

his little heart to mend;

I told him of his Father's love

and that He was his friend.

Then, can I talk to Jesus?

Can he fix my broken toys?

Does he know how to fly a kite

and play ball with little boys?

With child-like trust he waited,

brown eyes awaiting truth.

“God told me that for now, Sport,

I can do those things for you.”

And off he ran to bring the toys

to me, for me to mend;

“thank you, God," I whispered

“for the voice you place within.”

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