kisses now



Its easier
Now you cry
A million kisses
Sweethearts know 
When you die

Rivers crossed
The coldness
The useless nails
In my hands
The water wash

Its Redhill in winter
Its Tulrahan now

Johnny sitting there 
Smoking loads of fags
Why has he come around
Do I have any information for him
And the old cap 
Half sat on his head 
For all the world to see
A rye old fuck
Cap an all

Lives up the road

I remember as a child when I lived in Portliaose
The church had the stations of the cross
It was always his feet I would see
All nailed up and crossed

It was the story of his feet
As I knelt and prayed

It was then I knew in my own soul
That as you suffered for your feet
That I would suffer for your soul

So Johnny raises his cap and bids you farewell
Leaves you sitting by the table

That's what my Father is like
It's like the table isn't there 

This poem is for you.

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