The CATastrophe

The CATastrophe

The mouse ran through the street, with despair in his face, fearing for his life. He heard the sound of cursed bells approaching him, he knew it… there was no way back, yet he kept running, running as if the world was going to end right before his eyes. His heart pounded with tremendous fear and felt so agitated as if it were going to fall from his chest. He turned around before hitting a wall, and then he saw them… a group of ten, maybe twenty cats cornering him. Suddenly the squeaks ceased, the heartbeats stopped and only the bones remained of what used to be a mouse. That my folks was another innocent life lost due to the cats. The cats had been conspiring for decades in order for this day to come. They were certain that they could end every single grasp of life on earth. The word started to spread and the rest of the mice locked their doors and waited with fear of what was inevitable, they were all going to die that night. There were thousand and thousands of cats, they were everywhere, outside every house, under every tree, near every alley, they were just too many. A doe was walking in the street, and then the cats cornered her. Her face became pale and she became still, unable to move any part of her body.

”I’m pregnant,” she said, “please have mercy on me, I will do no harm”.

“We show no mercy,” said the cat leader, “anyways, your baby would have been born in a nonexistent world.”

A loud scream was heard, there went the life of the doe and her child.

The cats broke into every single place and found every single mouse that could have been hidden. They were destroying everything, burning every place and form of vegetation. No place was left to hide, it was just the ground, thousands of cats and the remaining mice. Only five mice remained… three were eaten in front of the remaining two.

“Why are you doing this?” asked one of them, “Why can’t we live in peace?”

“It’s our nature,” said the sub leader, “cats are meant to eat mice, you shall all be killed.”

 The two mice were too afraid to die tragically so they threw themselves off a cliff.

“We have conquered the world” said the leader, while the world was falling apart.

They all asked themselves what came next… they had no one to eat, nothing to destroy and no purpose in life. They all kept staring at the world while it kept falling little by little, piece by piece. They had damaged the earth so badly that it could no longer sustain itself.

Then, what was expected to happen happened, the cats were making a line to throw themselves from the cliff, they had all accomplished their goal.

Nothing was left and the earth ceased to exist.


That my folks, was the end of the CATastrophe.

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