01-If I Were...

If I were a dream

You would be the one who keeps everyone awake,

If I were a sky

You would be the sun which takes my shine away,

And at night you would be star which shines so bright

And which takes all beauty away from me.

But what if I were beautiful,

Would You be ugly or more beautiful than me?

If I cut myself,

Would You bleed for me or with me?

Or would You take all pain away

But put me in misery?

You're always keen on being better than me,

And I don't mind as long as You don't put me down

And walk all over me,

Whatever you would do

You wouldn't do no harm to me,

But even if that happens

You know You can count on me.

I'll be there for You

As long as I don't get to hate You,

Because of things that lately happened

I'll stay away from You,

I won't lead You astray,

If You ever need me

I'll be one call away,

And I promise I'll always be there for thee.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is actually my first poem on english language, second or third overall... I don't expect it to be good, but this one isn't such pushover as some others are, I've wrote it when I was emotianlly struck... I hope there's not too much mistakes and You is written with first capital letter for a reason. Which is amount of respect for that person to whom this poem was dedicated...

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