I’ve spent thirty-one years never writing a letter like this.

Mom, sisters, Cat, Andrew, I love you all.

My life is at a stand still. I’ve lost my grip on everything.

I’ve walked for what seemed like hours telling myself I was strong

In my power, yet tears were rolling down my cheeks.  Uncontrollable emotion.  I realize that I’ve spent my whole life thinking I was a winner when I was a loser.

As far as my book goes…it’s finished and the publisher loves it.

Law School… I’m no ones lawyer. I love the research but it’s hard to bring back up.

Mom, I’m okay.  I just couldn’t deal anymore.

Everything and nothing all at once.

Promises made to me that were useless, making my promises useless.

Alone, no one understands, feels or knows. Who will miss me?  Who cares?

Nothing more to lose. Nothing more to gain.

Just Goodbye.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Only when I can do no more.

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