If We Stand

If we stand on an ocean by day,

will the preception be in the way,

freedom comes in tough love from Cali to Maine,

from our forefathers genetic core,

standing or sitting frogz, welcome to Christian Country2016, USA;


It's not about religion or,

fancy politic-in,

It's about freedom and family,

not some nic-pic-in;

listen, if don't likey,

then get on back to your own page,

send me a text if y'all got computers,

back thare from your own cage;


If we stand on our roof tops,

the reception is different but the same,

freedom comes as tough love in the United Nations,

Christianity is a bonus so welcome to Christian Country2016,

thanks but we already gave out all the sweet stuff and now, well,

during the green and rain;


Tough Love is about to ordain,

yall insane can keep that in your own membrane,

it ain't that hard now or about trying to make y'all change,

Our, we claimed er first,

forget a bus as y'all need an aero-plane.


Lyrics created by:  Angie






Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's about now.  Where you go in the after life is on you!  Jesus said to love and He said" Y'all better back me up!"

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