Anything but Ordinary

Something changed today, I don't know exactly when or where,

But I just know that from now on, it will all be different,

It overwhelmed me like seeing a lost love for the first time,

Realising just how much you care for a person,

The warm feeling you get from helping another.

All I ever heard was she's not good enough, she won't last,

Everybody used to think she's useless, good for nothing,

Unable to be what everyone wanted me to be,

Labelled a failure, beaten down by life,

I never thought that I would get back up.

Each and every day I used to shut myself off from the world,

Keep my head down and stay quiet, best thing to do,

Never attract attention to myself, never say a word,

One day I woke up and thought no-one would notice,

If I didn't show up.

Today was the day something just clicked, I changed,

Looked in the mirror and realised they can't do this,

Just cos I was different from all the other girl's,

I wasn't concieted I didn't care what others thought,

That was the day I stood up for myself.

Through my eyes, the world will always be a cruel place,

Full of liar's, bullies, let downs and anger,

But don't ever forget that you have a voice,

Never be afraid to speak out, make your stand,

Your opinion counts just as much as there's.

I have learnt from all those years of torment and hatred,

That the girl that stands before you now,

Will not and cannot be beaten, try as you may,

Nothing you can say will knock me down,

So now you can see that you made me stronger,

I am a better, stronger, smarter and happier person for it

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not to sure where it started or where it ended.

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