Until Tomorrow.

When I wake up today, It is a good feeling deep in my heart,

To know that by the end of the day it will all be over,

no more pain, suffering, love, or lust,

for soon all you will remember is my memories turned to dust,

You wont know my name, remember my face,

You wont stop to care about another statistic,

I will become just another face in the crowd,

another name you dont speak out loud,

For I know when this is all over, Everythings said and done,

Not one of you will miss me, my heart and soul wasted,

A life lost so tragically, another light burnt out.

For tomorrow will be just another day like any other,

you will all carry on like nothing has changed,

everytime you cryed, lost a love or lied,

I was always there for you everytime without fail,

so I ask of you not to mourn for me when im gone,

but just to take the time to care and shed a tear,

over a friend you thought you had, you thought you new me,

If anyone ever took the time to listen to my rhymes,

then maybe I may still be walking these halls.

So Until tomorrow when my sorrows will have gone,

I will walk with you all, the way I wish I could have,

Too much pain, anger, bleeding hearts and wounded limbs,

I can't take the beatings anymore, im not strong enough,

my body is weak and my heart is heavy,

So please listen to my rhyme,

one moment in time,

before its too late,

and I'm gone...........................

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