dedication -to our troops

warrior and 911

i use words most don't use such as




i have seen a thousand fire sunsets

i have witnessed more blood than doctors

while newscasters blaspheme against us

others turn their back on us

we march into battle

we march into our death

the right of a warrior

to die with honor and pride

our destiny is our own no man can tell me different

fire by night hell by day

for the weak

i fight

for the strong

i stand by your side

from the shadows i will appear

i will leave my enemies in fear

i ring the bell of freedom for all to hear

i fight not for religion

i will not die for politicians

i will not kill for fun

i will fight for freedom

i will come to the aide of my lady LIBERTY

i have no master

i have no ruler

i only have orders

orders that are followed



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