and in and amongst
those beings prone
to stand alone
and ingest yogic light
the falling
ring around the rosie
original premise
takes hold
and dives
to fifty fathoms
and still no bottom
and still no bottom
rock rock bottom
because it erroneously stepped
between the portals demanding
a certain signified stare
to a broken wall demanding
a pain staking penance
and retribution, and in not seeing it
I forever fed
the lie that it's just not there
and in the drip between
fall between the outer darkness reaming
and careening and seeming to fuse
all airbrushed standing
the set up
the set up
the set up
and then the drop and fall
the Ohio Pile
demon drop
gifted unto you
and fathers of our nation
gift less and speechless
chanting a gullible fortitude
which shows that
a silent eyed regionalism
drops the ball every time
almost every time
and saunters off eagle eyed
into the wilderness
fondling the etheric breath
stolen from infanticide
of a death long ago
told of on the wind chimes
in the lush valley
space and time
mocked peace and forgiveness
and called it Eden
and for a hand of seeds
which in wrath
steals the zealot ease
and enraptured
the sordid
basket case in the corner
loosing and stripped
a grave driven psalm
to whatever, it escapes the rot soaked
pitted heart
I expressed myself
I gave
are we allowed to be
spit out and mocked
and stop the
ease drawn lie foretold?
and reminiscence
in the silence of the spilled milk?
from one moment to the next
the clap trap evading
no confounded thought
and a rip roaring
climb to freedom
not to those outside
a finalized grasp
the internalized
bashing my head off the wall
the internalized
bashing my head off the wall
a venous fly trap trapping
tip tapping
the unsuspecting masses
and I reluctantly knocked
on the door
of Abbadon
and sidestepped into
the broken wound sore
it admitted to its existence
and chastised
the pre supposed lie
and proposed sarcastic mind bend

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