Our New Life Together-Fable




Our New Life Together


After the eruption of the “Big D volcanoe”  the world seem devastated. A few species had survived. Everything seem lost, we didn’t have a purpose to live anymore. The only possession that I had left was my Go-Pro Camera. I decided to spread my wings and go explore how the species that had survived were doing. All I was thinking about was how lonely I felt without my brothers and sisters. I felt sad, I really needed some company. After days of flying I realized I wasn’t the only one struggling and lonely. I saw the fear in the eyes of the small animals of getting hunt by the big animals. They were trying to hide behind the few rocks that did not melt. On the other side were the big animals, seeking for something to eat. The look in their eyes showed desperation and hunger. Then, while I was still flying I noticed that the tiger, who was the leader of the big animals had heard something suspicious. He separated from the clan and went around to investigate that suspicious sound. Suddenly I saw him walking cautiously near a rock that seemed alone. Then, I heard a scream from a little rabbit. In that moment I knew something was wrong so I decided to get closer. A few seconds later I heard the Tiger screaming, “Hey guys, come help me get our first fresh food!”. After that, all I could see was a big cloud of sand and dust caused by the feet of the big animals. The big animals were chasing the little rabbit and suddenly I saw the clan of big animals trying to climb the tree where the rabbit had hidden. Then, I decided that I had to do something to stop the situation. When I got down to Earth and went to the tree, I saw the tiger and his clan extremely near, so I stood in front of the big animals crowd. It seemed like I was just in time to stop them. As I approached more and more I was trying to convince the tiger that this will only bring more disaster to the world, and that they were going to end up killing the only species reminding from the terrible eruption, and that if they wanted to return to their old lives they had to unify forces and knowledge, This meant to work side by side, as a team and as a family to find the way to overcome the suffering. The little rabbit up on the tree was listening to what I was saying. Then, he came down with his face facing down, still scared, and said, “You know tiger, I guess Eagle is right. We should work together, with your clan’s strength and velocity, and with my clan’s ability to climb trees and eat plants we could achieve so many things tan if we were alone. Plus, we can learn from each other, don’t you think?”. Fortunately, the tiger wasn't a cold hearted creature that wouldn’t accept any deal, instead, he realized that he wasn’t looking for the wellbeing of all the remaining species, but only for the big creatures. As time passed by, we were all truly interacting, helping and learning from one another. The small animals thought us about vegetarianism, and the big animals thought us how to be brave. Together, we built a new colony. Then, we decided to place the tiger as our colony leader because of his good intentions towards our new community. He decided to name me as his advisor. I worked with him side by side in order to help to maintain order and satisfy the necessities of the community. As we were all a new family, we gathered around and took our first family selfie that would remind our next generations the importance of diversity and acceptance. And oh well, I think it’s awesome how things can change if you accept other’s differences and work as a team.


MORAL: Accepting other’s differences and working as a team can lead you to great things as if working alone.

 MORAL 2: Looks are deceiving (The rabbit thought that the tiger was a heartless creature, and the tiger thought that the rabbit was a meaningless creature)

Ana Sofía Gaxiola 

Karla Gabriela Fosado

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