My Father’s Agenda

My Father’s Agenda



My father brought his agenda anywhere he went, literally anywhere. Even if he was on an important meeting or just a baseball game or having dinner on a restaurant. This black medium sized agenda was my father’s memory in a book. Due to my father’s lack of short-term memory, his black agenda was my father’s memory on a book. He kept every little detail in there. Whether it was an important date like a birthday, or an important event, or bank accounts, or a telephone number, or a check list for the day, or his children’s grades, or just a simple song’s name. I remember that he used to highlight his family’s birthday dates in blue ink and his “to do things” in yellow ink. Due to this amazing agenda he never missed a meeting, or forgot a birthday date of forgot his wedding anniversary. Also, he is known as the most organized man in our family only because of this black object he calls one of his treasures. We know and he knows that without his agenda his life would probably be a chaos, because well, let’s just say that he does not have the greatest memory of all. I remember writing my name on the top front page of the agenda and my dad saying “Anita, if you write your name on that page it means that this agenda is yours, and if this agenda is yours then you need to do everything that is written in there, do you accept or not?” and “This agenda is my fifth treasure”. I always wondered why he always chose the same exact agenda every single year. One day I asked him, and he told me that it was a way of style, simple, classic, and formal. He said that there was no reason to change it because it fitted him. In that time, I was a little girl, so honestly I did not understood why he loved that style of agenda so much. Then, when I got older I understood that he just felt confortable with it, it was that simple reason. Everytime someone would ask him something important like a date or a telephone number or someone’s name, he would say “wait, wait, wait, I have it right here” and he would grab the bookmarker and go to the page where he had the information. My father’s agenda is something that represents and will always represent him. I love how I will always have that special memory of him when the day when he has to be gone comes.

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