My Mom´s Wonderland.


As I´ve grown older I´ve heard people say that in this world there are a few people with magic in them, and said people are capable of turning even the worst situations into something good. People like this are not common, but they´re very real, how do I know this? Because my mom´s one of them, my mom´s got magic in her.  
Throughout my life there haven´t been many constant elements, in fact at most there have been only a few and one of those few is my mom´s atelier.
My mom has always had this little wonderland; this room where everything is possible and everything can come to life. Some may look at it as a regular study room turned into an arts and crafts studio but for us it was like Disneyland at home.
Like in Mary Poppins bag, in this room you could find anything! There are multicolor fabrics, threads and needles, there are all size brushes, sequins and paints, there are books, coloring books, and sketching pads, and any creative tool you can think of, it is probably there.
I´ve seen princesses, fairies and vampires wake in this room, I´ve seen wonderful sunsets and landscapes appear from a few bottles of paint, I´ve seen mind-blowing jewelry created from scratch but mostly I´ve seen dreams become true.
My mom´s atelier was and has always been, for my sisters and I, our little escape from reality. Whenever life got tough (or so I thought) at kindergarten or nowadays when I get stressed I can always count on my mom and her atelier to take my mind off things. In this wonderland we learned to be creative and to let our minds and imagination free, we learned to be risky with colors and we learned to do as we pleased regardless of anyone’s opinion.
I can vividly remember that, even when times got tough in my family, my mom was always very willing to makes us happy in this room or to entertain us with some colorful, creative activity.  Growing up I always thought my mom´s purpose with this room was to create freethinking, creative, young women, but now that I think about it, we were not completely right. Partially yes, and I like to think that she succeeded but the main purpose of the atelier, I think, was to have a place where we could all come together and to create a special bond.
With this last part, I have no doubt that she succeeded.   


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