baby moments

Baby moments

I know one day I will be able to look back,

at the time when you were so small.

A little boy trying to stand up,

when someone rolled the ball.

I sit and watch you go as fast as you can,

and usually you seem to fall.

Whether you laugh or you cry,

you always get the ball.

Your getting so big,

climbing things and walking.

Smiling with pure happiness,

and always talking.

You need and want attention,

while playing with your toys.

You love to be outside,

playing with the big boys.

You like to play with baskets,

putting them on your head and walking around.

Your still so tiny,

especially when you hit the ground.

Your smile is as bright as the sun,

and I love each baby kiss.

Holding you close,

for your baby moments will soon be missed.


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