Tough Decision

Passion Poems

Wandering around lost

in a sea of uncertainty.

Wondering which way to go.

To my right a calm river

gently flowing into the horizon.

To my left a raging river

twisted and roaring into oblivion.

With a broken compass

my head urges me to go right.

But my heart tells me to go left.

Looking again to the right

its safe and I always think logically.

Looking back to the left

its certainly filled with unseen danger.

But I've never listened to my heart

and always to my head.

I've gotten nothing but heartache and pain.

If I take the left I know for certain

the river will be long, rough, and terrifying.

But you will be waiting at the end.

If I take the right I know

it will be calm and safe.

But I would lose my chance

with you and everlasting love.

Taking a deep breath I spring forward.

Turning left to start my journey

into your waiting arms.

Scared out of my mind but knowing

you will be there no matter what.

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