My journey with the angle

My journey started in the rain
under the darkness of a cloudy sky
I walked the streets cane in one hand
the rain was a blessing in disguise though

because it was there that I met an angel
she walked towards me placing her hand in my other hand

we walked together in the rain
away from my town

I looked at the angel holding my
hand and she reminded me of my lover

who used to hold my hand
whenever we were together

The angel wasnt wet like I was
walking in the rain all this time

nor was she tired like I was
so tired I wasn't able to ask who she was

We walked to a larger town and finally stopped
by the grave of my lover who
I have been missing all these years

Meanwhile the rain stopped
The clouds vanished and a rainbow appeared

The angel came closer and with a sad disappointed
face asked if I remembered her

I answered with a shocked looked I did not
and a few tears still in my eyes remembering my lover

The angel explained that when she was alive
she wanted to expose the affair
my lover was having with my boss
because she was also in love with me

and when my lover and boss died in
the same car during an accident
she couldnt live being the only one who knew the truth
so she took a sharp blade and slit her wrists
to end all those feelings
for someone who did not even know her name