My Sister's Dress

My sister used to wear a very special dress. It wasn’t fancy at all, in fact it wasn’t even a nice dress, but she wore it in every single occasion. I remember it was a bluish green tiny dress, the type of dress you would probably keep in your closet forever.  She even had a name for it, she called it her “singular dress”.  It was my aunt’s present and she got it for her birthday.  My sister was an extremely stubborn little girl, who wanted to do just what she desired. I recall she started to cry just to wear her dress even in celebrations such as weddings and family parties. My mom on the other side, just kept looking at her, laughing and trying to convince her to wear something else. She was just four years old, but she definitely knew how to argue. Every morning before she entered kindergarten, she woke up excited to wear it for another day. My mom tried to get rid of it, but the moment it disappeared a riot started at my home. She was getting really desperate and worried about it and my sister needed to try new clothes. So the day my parents were afraid of finally came; unfortunately, my sister’s singular dress started to get ripped. My sister got a new similar dress, but it was a purple one. She just couldn’t handle it, she really wanted to wear her old dress. A couple of years passed and she finally understood that her dress really needed to be kept in the closet just as memory of her childhood.  We still laugh at her obsession with the dress, and I like to think that in way she hasn’t changed.  My sister is still stubborn but in a good way, she fights for what she wants. Her dress represented her values and thoughts and she wore it to express her feelings. Even if I wasn’t that old, I can still remember the meaning it had for her.  Her green tiny dress is like a treasure and my mom keeps it on a closet just to remind her that she can be herself.  I remember I didn’t have any particular item I needed to wear or carry, but I can be sure that it does represent a person’s feelings and ideas even if she is just a little immature girl.

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