The worst thing you can say to someone.

I am having trouble sleeping tonight due to too many thoughts in my head. Things have been stressful but I wont go into detail because its not your burden to carry. But I decided Its time to get off some feeling off my chest no matter the outcome. I have been struggling with a lot of financial issues this past week but you tend to be the most common thing on my mind. I cant shake or make sense of what happened. all I know Is I can get connected to someone pretty quick but most of the time I forget twice as fast. I cant seem to even shake any of my emotions towards you and I am not sure even how to handle that fact. I never felt so comfortable and calm since then everything has been so chaotic and it doesn't help my cause. You once said you didn't have any talents I believe you have one that you never really ever realized. You have a personality that makes people genuinely want to care and take care of you. I know I wish I could. Its abnormal for me to get so emotionally attached I shared some stories with you not really anybody knows and I feel safe that you know them. I just wish what will make you satisfied and happy. I know we dont know each other that long but I felt a sense of security. when we were just comfortable laying silence I never really had that luxury do to always having something to say at any given moment. I am going to be blunt here.

Do you ever wish or even wonder what would happen if things plaid out differently?
and I was the one to be able to hold you and protect you?
Its probably too late now but I tend to still wish this played out different everyday.
I haven't been this connected to anyone since really ever. I found that out after the fact.
whats all mutual here? do you still think and dream of what happened?

or do you tone it out because its easier?
Did you completely forget and move on?
or you struggling to regulate your emotions as well?
I cant shake the fact that I truly care about you
so there is no use hiding the fact that I like you.
ill be your friend if you need me to be your friend
but I figured I could be something much more.
but i got a few things I need to take care of these next few weeks
you cloud my mind everyday its not a bad thing
infact I prefer it. I just wish my wishes would actually come true.
either or I just hope your happy.
Ill disregard my feelings for yours if thats what it comes down to.
just know I cant help but be in to you.
I just wish you were in to me to.
but life goes on. you don't even have to reply to this

sleep well and I hope you wake with a smile.

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