Volume One: Dystopia

This is the beginning of a novel I'm working on.

Chapter One: A Bird By Any Other Name

The day was not enough.

It was an artificial existence. It was the vestiges of what his creators had sculpted for him; had calculated for him a life of predestination. He was given the tools necessary to fulfill his duties. He was supposed to be satisfied, particularly given his conditioning. Now, however, as the last amber rays of sunset cast away the shadows inviting darkness over his people, Phoenix lay awake.

He had been stirred.

It’s a queer way when a solitary thought can become unfettered – a simple belief run amok. Guised under the silhouette of an epiphany, it can wreak havoc on the foundations of a culture – disregarding the nature of its own intentions. It was this kind of threat that was feared among his people. It was the reason why they sought out to destroy all deviations. To Phoenix, it was a thought laced in fear, betrayal, and fury. It was the reason he would not, could not, sleep tonight.

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