Criminal immensity
break vase immensity
ruin without boundaries

immensity that down and whelms me
I am fleece
the universe is felon

madness afar my insanity
talons to immensity
immensity to talons me

I am alone
about the blind will read these lines
in that of interminable tunnels

I down in deep immensity
immensity devolves to she
she's blacker than demise

the sun is black
the beauty of to be is bottom hallows of a cry
definitive of night

this that loves in light
the shudder sheet of she's glazed
is desire of the night

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The collected Poems of Georges Bataille

Translated with an Introduction by Mark Spitzer

"Georges Bataille is known primarily for his novel The Story of the Eye and his historical/philosophical work. This is the first collected English translation of his poetry. It is the poetry of a philosopher, but it is also poetry with an obsessively erotic often scatological edge. As Bataille wrote in his Eroticism Death & Sensuality poetry "leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism -- to the blending and fusion of separate objects. It leads us to eternity, it leads us to death, and through death to continuity. Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea."

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