OHMYGOD!!! it's the meaning of life no way dude!!?

november 2010...


what is life but artistic pain,

a sloppy smile, flames vs rain.

but pain, oh what is this pain?

it's the key, but the key to what?

happily hoping in empty hands,

big offers declined for the better.

so life, what are you but pain?

what is pain but the key to joy?

how does the sun smile in the rain,

exactly like a girl who loves a boy.

what is joy but a reason to scream,

and what is love but a simple dream?

life is simple, it's so easy to progress,

but it's impossible to stay the same.

god said we're equal, it's normal to sin,

this means the innocent are to blame.

so the winners lose and losers win,

that's just how you play this game.

so what is one death but one birth,

one man is gone but the other on earth.

so my existance blocks your entrance,

you can't walk in until i walk out the door.

the more we die, the more we get to live,

death makes life, what are we waiting for? 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem sucks, don't read it!!! :)

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