Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

raila's picture
raila posted a new Poem titled Black & Spanish Poetry 21 years ago
I stand here before you naked with my soul exposed reciting to you black & spanish poetic prose that you have chosen with erotic taste w...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled HAIKU-Hear, oh Hear! 21 years ago
I heard a whisper ride the breeze quiet stillness of dawn.
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icantthinkofone's picture
icantthinkofone posted a new Poem titled Calculated Darkness 21 years ago
The clouds shift The shadows melt The daylight turns to ash The arrow points To the crooked shape Looming over you It's your desicion Turn...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled HAIKU-Moss-covered Haven 21 years ago
at the river's end where small fishes hide a stone unturned.
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled HAIKU-I Told You I'm Stubborn 21 years ago
a table and two chairs i, facing sideways my father preaches.
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled HAIKU-That Day 21 years ago
In the decadence of youth a portion found in the attic dusty sweet remains.
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raila's picture
raila posted a new Poem titled I Would Be A Lesbian 21 years ago
Woman's beauty is unmatched by any creature features contradicting the theory of evolution confirming the belief that God does exist only b...
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raila's picture
raila posted a new Poem titled Before We Go To Sleep 21 years ago
Backs sweat arms stretch mouths connect hands grab teeth clinch toes curl legs cramp eyes roll heads boom hips gyrate chest heave shoulde...
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abob1717's picture
abob1717 posted a new Poem titled My Burden 21 years ago
Do you know what its like To live every day Trapped in a world That you have no say Extreme mood swings Down and up Never knowing What's in...
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raila's picture
raila posted a new Poem titled I Want to Give You.... 21 years ago
Cum in my mouth is all I want all I ask make me look like a commercial ad ones with a milky white mustache my tongue wants to invade you and...
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mystiefyre's picture
mystiefyre posted a new Poem titled *Fading Away 21 years ago
When we first met It was as if I already knew you We got along so well Every day we were there for each other Always showing we cared I like...
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andshedied's picture
andshedied posted a new Poem titled Permission 21 years ago
I will let you hurt her. And you can get a turn. Here, the girl is hiding. Feel how her skin burns. And when you hear her whimper. It means...
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mystiefyre's picture
mystiefyre posted a new Poem titled *Memories 21 years ago
As the memories come rushing back The tears start to fall Flooding my pillow with salty oceans The love we shared, how could it have ended?...
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mystiefyre's picture
mystiefyre posted a new Poem titled There He Was 21 years ago
There he was Standing so close I could touch him But still couldn't reach him The hand he was holding The cheek he was kissing Aren't mine...
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mystiefyre's picture
mystiefyre posted a new Poem titled *Sand of Life 21 years ago
Have you ever held life in your hand Wondering what do with it? Do you softly set it somewhere to let it live Or throw it away for good? Do...
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